HSC Pension Board
The HSC Pension Board provides scrutiny and assurance of the administration of the HSC Pension Scheme.
Role of the Board
The HSC Pension Board’s role is to assist the Scheme Manager in securing compliance with all relevant pension law, regulations and directions – as well as the relevant Pension Regulator’s codes of practice. This role is one of providing assurance in and governance of the scheme administration of the HSC Pension Schemes (both the new 2015 scheme and the old scheme consisting of the 1995 and 2008 sections).
Main responsibilities:
The Pension Board is responsible for assisting the Scheme Manager in:
- Providing overall assurance and governance of the HSC Pension Scheme administration;
- Assuring effective and efficient administration of the scheme;
- Seeking assurance that decisions made by the scheme administrator are fully legally compliant, including consideration of cases that have been referred to the Pension Regulator and/or the Pension Ombudsman; recommending changes to processes training and / or guidance where necessary;
- Supporting continuous improvements;
- Assuring the scheme administrator supports employers to communicate the benefits of the HSC Pension Scheme through effective communication to members;
- Assuring the scheme administrator supports members with a range of tools to improve their understanding of their pension benefits and to inform their personal financial and career planning;
- Supporting effective implementation of the Employer Charter;
- Enabling data quality improvements to deliver CARE pension outcomes;
- Compliance with the Pension Regulator’s codes of practice;
- Fostering good working relationships with the Pension Regulator;
- Consideration of the annual report from the Pension Regulator, including any responses to recommendations;
- Producing an annual report outlining the work of the Board throughout the scheme year.
The Pension Board has an equal number of employer and member representatives and is overseen by an independent chair.
Pension Board members are appointed after being nominated by HSC trades unions and employer organisations.
Non employer/member representatives such as Department of Health officials and HSC Pension Service representatives attend Pension Board meetings in an observer capacity.
Employer Representatives:
Paul Cummings Chairperson
Geraldine McAleer Western HSC Trust
Lesley Allen Northern Trust
Brona McAuley NIAS
Eimear McCauley WHSCT
Gillian Somerville Belfast Trust
Member Representatives:
Dessie Lowry RCN
Terry Thomas NIPSA
Gerry Mackin BMA
Karen Murray RCM
Stephanie Greenwood Unison
Brenda Stevenson Unite