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Modified Scheme (2007) (Retained Firefighters)

Modified Scheme (2007) (Retained Firefighters)

The Modified Pension Scheme was introduced on 1st of April 2015 and brought in benefits for individuals who were employed as retained firefighters between 1st July 2000 and 5th April 2006. These benefits are the equivalent to those available to members of the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (NI) 2007 who were employed as regular firefighters during the same period.

Eligible firefighters were entitled to purchase pension rights under the terms of the new pension arrangements. The scheme is known as the “modified scheme” as changes were made to the New Firefighters’ Scheme 2007 (NFPS) to accommodate the provisions.

Membership was open to the following eligible individuals:

  • Current retained firefighters
  • Retained firefighters who left the service
  • Retained firefighters who led the service and in receipt of a pension; and
  • Retained firefighters who left the service and in receipt of ill health retirement benefits.

Following an options exercise undertaken by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service, entry to this scheme closed on 30th September 2015.

The main terms of the scheme were:

  • A uniform accrual rate of 1/45th
  • A normal Pension Age of 55 years
  • A deferred pension age of 60 years
  • Fixed commutation factors
  • The contribution rates mirror those applicable to the New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (NI) 2007 in respect of both the period of service purchased and further accrual.
  • A death grant of 2x pensionable pay
  • Ill health benefits in accordance with the terms of the NFPS 2007.
  • Transfer of external pension benefits in accordance with the terms of the NFPS 2007.
  • ill-health pension arrangements, lower and higher tier, will be in accordance with the terms of the New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (NI) 2007
  • the abatement of a member’s pension will be in accordance with the terms of the New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (NI) 2007
  • any member who subsequently opts out of the proposed new pension arrangements will not be permitted to re-join those arrangements.


Useful Information and Guides:

The Retained Firefighters’ Pension Settlement Guide

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