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There are different calculators for each section of the HSC Pension Scheme and some members may have to use more than one calculator if their service is split between a number of schemes.

Before using the calculators you should read the ‘Scheme Calculators – Which one should I use?‘ tab below as this will help you find the correct calculator for your own personal circumstances.

Our pension calculators are in Microsoft Excel format. When you use the calculator you’ll get:

  • an illustration of the benefits that could become payable from your HSC pension schemes at a retirement date selected by you, at today’s value.
  •  a description of the benefits payable for each scheme you’ve been a member of .
  • an estimate of the maximum lump sum that could be payable.
  • a printable copy of your personal illustration.

You will need to have your most recent Annual Benefit Statement available while you’re using the calculator, which you can access through the HSC Pension Service “Member Self Service” portal available at

You should also:

  • make sure you’ve read the notes and assumptions on the calculator .
  • know the date you joined the scheme.
  • know your current pensionable pay.
  • know any service credited from a transfer in (final salary scheme only).

Please note that the illustration is not a guarantee, nor is the calculator intended to provide you with financial advice. If you require financial advice, you should contact an independent financial adviser.

Note: The calculator only covers Practitioner calculations for Practitioners with 2015 Scheme benefits. It also does not cover: Mental Health Officer status; members who moved from the 1995 section to the 2008 section as part of the ‘Choice Exercise’; the effect of pensions tax charges on your benefits; details of future state pension or private pension provision; details of pension benefits for part-time workers with more than one employment; ill health benefits; survivor benefits payable in the event of your death; optional benefits, such as added years, additional pension or additional voluntary contributions.

Also note that these calculators make no allowance for the Department of Finance’s proposed remedy to remove the unlawful discrimination arising from the transitional protection awarded to members as part of the reform of the public sector pension schemes in 2015. Therefore, for members who are eligible for remedy (i.e. those who joined the scheme on or before 31 March 2012 and remained in service on or after 31 March 2015), these calculators may not provide a correct benefit projection. In particular, the benefits accrued during the proposed remedy period of 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022, may not be based on the scheme benefit structure you ultimately receive at your retirement. 

For members who are not in scope for remedy, the calculators will continue to produce suitable estimates based on the current benefits in the relevant scheme.

The calculators will provide you with 3 different outcomes, standard benefits, reduced annual pension with maximum lump sum and personal choice of reduced annual pension and increased lump sum.

Just follow the simple steps on the calculator to forecast your potential benefits at retirement.

If after using these calculators you are interested in any of the options available you can either:

  •  Contact HSC Pension Service directly to discuss your options
  • Complete the relevant application form which can be found in our Scheme Forms section.

Please find our various calculators below:

  • Scheme Calculators – Which one should I use?
    Which Calculator should I use?

    Fully Protected Members of the 1995 or 2008 Sections of the Scheme Calculators

    Members of the 1995 and 2008 sections of the Scheme are entitled to full protection if, on 1 April 2012, they were either:

    • already over their normal pension age or
    • 10 years or less from their normal pension age
    • Normal pension age in the 1995 section of the scheme is age 60 (age
      55 for members who hold Special Class Nursing status or Mental Health Officer Status)
    • Normal pension age in the 2008 section of the scheme is age 65

    If you meet the criteria above and joined the HSC Pension Scheme on or before 31/03/2008 (and did not opt to transfer your benefits to the 2008 section of the Scheme) then you are a 1995 Section Protected Member and should use the 1995 Protected Member’s Calculator.

    If you meet the criteria above and joined the HSC Pension Scheme on or after 01/04/2008 then you are a 2008 Section Protected Member and should use the 2008 Section Protected Member’s Calculator

    If you do not meet the criteria above see the section below relevant to Transitional or Full 2015 Scheme Members.

    Transitional Members Calculators

    Transitional members of the scheme are those members who were originally members of either the 1995 or 2008 section of the Schemes and have now moved to the 2015 Scheme. Members did not have a choice to move but were required to as a result of a change in pension legislation. Transitional Members therefore build up benefits in 2 Schemes. This could be the 1995 Section and the 2015 Scheme or the 2008 Section and 2015 Scheme.

    Further information is available on the Scheme website at HSC Pension Scheme Guides

    If you are not fully protected and joined the HSC Pension Scheme on or before 31/03/2008 (and did not opt to transfer your benefits to the 2008 section of the Scheme) then you are a 1995/2015 Transitional Member and should use the 1995/2015 Transitional Member’s Calculator relevant to your state pension age.

    You can find your state pension age at the following link:

    If you are not fully protected and joined the HSC Pension Scheme on or after 01/04/2008 then you are a 2008/2015 Transitional Member and should use the 2008/2015 Transitional Member’s Calculator relevant to your state pension age.

    You can find your state pension age at the following link:

    Some members of the 1995 and 2008 Sections of the scheme may be eligible for limited protection. This is called tapered protection. To be eligible for tapered protection, members must have been more than 10 years, but less than 13 years and 5 months, from their normal pension age on 1 April 2012.

    This means that the date a member moves to the 2015 scheme is after 01/04/2015. If you have tapered protection you can find out your transition date (date you move to the 2015 Scheme) on your Annual Benefit Statement (ABS). You can access your ABS by registering for the Member Self Service (MSS) portal on the HSC Pension Scheme website at the following link:

    2015 Scheme Members Calculators

    Members who joined the HSC Pension Scheme on or after 01/04/2015 are 2015 Scheme Members and should use the 2015 Scheme Members Calculator relevant to your state pension age. You can find your state pension at the following link:


    What if my state pension age falls between 2 full years, i.e. age 65 years and 8 months? Which calculator should I use?
    If your state pension does not fall on a full year, in this example age 65 years & 8 months, you should use the next full year calculator i.e. Age 66. This means that any reduction for benefits claimed early will not be underestimated.

    I was a member of the Scheme for 10 years up to 2005 and then rejoined in 2016, which calculator should I use?
    You should use the 2015 Scheme Members Calculator for your relevant state pension age to calculate your 2015 Scheme Benefits. Your previous benefits up to 2005 will be preserved in the 1995 Scheme. You will have received a letter informing you of the value of these benefits.

    I opted to move my 1995 Scheme Benefits to the 2008 Section of the Scheme during the Choice Exercise. Which calculator should I use?
    Unfortunately these calculators cannot facilitate 2008 section Optants. HSC Pension Service is working on creating such a calculator.

    Will the calculator detail exactly how much my pension will be when I retire?
    No. The calculators work on a number of assumptions as well as the information you input and will provide details of estimated values of benefits at retirement. Due to the intricate detail of calculating HSC Pension Benefits it is not possible to forecast exact values of benefits at retirement.

    Should I apply for an estimate of benefits rather than use the Calculator?
    Estimates of benefits are only available for those members within 12 months of their normal retirement age and can take some time to process. An estimate of benefits, like the calculators, cannot provide exact details of the value of benefits at retirement. The calculators will provide you with details of different options on how you wish to claim your benefits. By using the calculators you can choose many different retirement ages whereas an estimate only provides details at one age. The calculators will provide details immediately.

    Is there any information I should know before using the calculators?
    The calculators will guide you through a number of steps. You should have a copy of your latest Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) at hand when using the calculator. Your ABS will contain the majority of the information required to use the calculator.

  • 1995 - 2015 Transition Calculators
  • 2008 - 2015 Transition Calculators
  • 2015 Scheme Calculators
  • ERRBO Calculator

    You can use the calculator below to work out the percentage cost should you wish to avail of the ERRBO option. ERRBO allows you to get an effective reduction of up to three years’ in your Normal Pension Age (NPA)for your 2015 Scheme Benefits. NPA cannot be reduced to less than age 65. You should read the ERRBO section.  

    ERRBO Calculator

    If you are considering entering into an ERRBO Contract. If you have an Added Year’s contract or an Additional Pension Purchase Contract you should use the Expression of Interest form to request a costing for an ERRBO as there may be limits on how much you can buy.

    An application for an ERRBO agreement should normally be made within three months of joining the 2015 Scheme for it to be effective from your first Scheme year. However the Department has agreed to permit any application for an ERRBO agreement, in the current financial year, to be applicable from 1 April 2015, subject to the necessary contributions being paid retrospectively. If you wish to avail of this opportunity please complete the ERRBO Expression of Interest form available on our website here.

    Further information surround ERRBOs can be found here.

  • Pension Reform Tapered Protection Calculator/Information
  • Personal Budget Calculator

    If you are approaching retirement, you may wish to use the budget planner below to help you make a decision if you are considering giving up part of your pension for a higher lump sum.

    You should firstly use the commutation calculator to establish the estimated benefits payable to you if you opt to convert some of your pension for a higher lump sum on retirement.

    Please note: This calculator is solely for illustrative purposes only and to assist you in your own financial planning. It should not be used to assume the benefits and income you will receive on retirement.

    HSC Pension Service Personal Budget Calculator

  • Annual Allowance Calculators
  • Pension Commutation Calculator

    The Pension Commutation Calculator shows, for members of the 1995 Section (who have accrued membership on or after 1 April 2008), members of the 2008 Section and the 2015 Scheme, what they will receive if they choose to give up (or ‘commute’) some of their pension in return for a larger lump sum on retirement.

  • Additional Pension Calculator

    The Additional Pension Calculator shows how much it is likely to cost to purchase additional pension benefits. It will give you an indication of the single payments or monthly contributions you would have to pay to get the extra pension amount you require.

  • HSC Pension Scheme McCloud Remedy Modeller

    You can use the modeller at to help illustrate the projected benefits you may receive at different retirement ages from both the legacy and reformed HSC Pension Schemes in Northern Ireland if you are affected by the McCloud Remedy


  • Contingent Decision Calculator

Also in this Section