Our pension calculators are in Microsoft Excel format. When you use the calculator you’ll get:
- an illustration of the benefits that could become payable from your NIFRS pension schemes at a retirement date selected by you, at today’s value.
- a description of the benefits payable for each scheme you’ve been a member of .
- an estimate of the maximum lump sum that could be payable.
- a printable copy of your personal illustration.
You will need to have your most recent Annual Benefit Statement available while you’re using the calculator. You should also:
- make sure you’ve read the notes and assumptions on the calculator .
- know the date you joined the scheme.
- know your current pensionable pay.
- know any service credited from a transfer in (final salary scheme only).
Please note that the illustration is not a guarantee, nor is the calculator intended to provide you with financial advice. If you require financial advice, you should contact an independent financial adviser.
Note: The calculators do not cover: the effect of pensions tax charges on your benefits; details of future state pension or private pension provision; details of pension benefits for part-time workers with more than one employment; ill health benefits; survivor benefits payable in the event of your death; optional benefits, such as added years, additional pension or additional voluntary contributions.
You can also run estimates on our member self service platform which will pull all of your financial data from our records without you having to input it. You can find more information on how to run estimates on member self service by following the step by step videos in the below MSS section of the website.
You can access our pension calculators below:
FPS (2007) – CARE (2015) Scheme
NFPS (2007) – 2015 (CARE) Scheme