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Employers Newsletters

In this section, you will find all of the employer newsletters. You can access them by clicking on the relevant tabs below.

  • Employers Newsletters - 2024/2025

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 1 – 2024/2025

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Continuation of Added Years/Additional Pension/
      ERRBO Contracts
    • Special Class & Mental Health Officer Abatement
    • Consideration for Ill Health Retirement Applications
      – update
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2023/2024

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 4 – 2023/2024

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Department of Health Consultation
    • McCloud Update
    • Consideration for Ill Health Retirement Applications – update
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 3 – 2023/2024

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Department of Health Consultation
    • McCloud
    • Consideration for Ill Health Retirement Applications – update
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 2 – 2023/2024

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Proposed Pension Flexibilities – Consultation
    • Annual Allowance 2022-23
    • Annual Benefit Statements 2023
    • Coronavirus Act & Temporary Suspensions
    • Protection of Pensionable Pay
    • HSC Annual Report 2022-23
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 1 – 2023/2024

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • McCloud Consultation
    • Applications for Consideration for Ill Health Retirement – Update
    • Ill Health Retirement Estimates
    • Career Breaks / Authorised Leave
    • Reduction or Forfeiture of Benefits
    • Pension Benefit Forms
    • Annual Benefit Statements 2023
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2022/2023

    Employers Newsletter – June 2022

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020 & end of Temporary Suspensions
    • Member Self-Service & Annual Benefit Statements 2022
    • Unpaid Leave/Career Breaks & Pension Implications
    • Estimate of Benefits
    • New Joiner/Re-joiner Form
    • Reduction or Forfeiture of Benefits – Reminder
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – October 2022

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020– Change to Pension Legislation – Update
    • Change to Scheme Member Contributions
    • Member Self-Service & Annual Benefit Statements 2022
    • Unpaid Leave/Career Breaks & Pension Implications
    • Reduction or Forfeiture of Benefits – Reminder
    • Consideration for Ill Health Retirement Applications – Update
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – December 2022

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Applications for Consideration for Ill Health Retirement – OHS Update
    • Eligibility for Applying for Consideration for Ill Health Retirement
    • Career Breaks/Authorised Leave
    • Protections of Pensionable Pay
    • Changes to How You Submit Your Scheme Pays Election if You are About to Retire
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – March 2023

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Spring Budget 2023 – Pension Changes
    • Career Breaks/Authorised Leave
    • Alignment of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)  Inflation Rates  (Annual Allowance)
    • Pension Benefit Forms
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2021/2022

    Employers Newsletter – June 2021

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020 – Change to Legislation
    • Pension Workshops
    • Update on McCloud – Public Sector Pension Scheme Consultation
    • Reduction of Forfeiture of Benefits
    • Procedure for Applying for Commuted Benefits (Over Normal Retirement Age)
    • New Scheme Forms
    • Late Submission of Retirement Application Forms
    • Member Self Service
    • New Joiner & Re-Joiner Forms
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – September 2021

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020 – Change to Legislation
    • Pubic Sector Pension Scheme Consultation (McCloud)
    • Bank/Casual Employments (3 month rule)
    • Annual Benefit Statements 2021
    • Annual Allowance for 5th April 2021
    • HSC Pension Board Annual Report & Business Plan
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – December 2021

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020 & end of Temporary Suspensions
    • Career Breaks/Authorised Leave
    • Department of Health Consultations
    • Pension Applications
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter – March 2022

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Coronavirus Act 2020 & end of Temporary Suspensions
    • Member Self-Service & Annual Benefit Statements 2022
    • Department of Health Consultations
    • Bank/Casual Employments (3 month rule)
    • SAP Part Time Indicator
    • Transfer of Pension rights from another Pension Provider
    • Pension Applications
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2020/2021

    Employers Newsletter April 2020 (B)

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Annual Allowance Tax Changes 2020
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter April 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • COVID – 19 – Impact to Services
    • Coronavirus Act 2020 – Change to Pension Legislation
    • Pension Workshops & 1-1 Sessions – COVID 19 Implications
    • Procedure for Applying for Commuted Ill Health Once Over NPA
    • Unpaid Leave Implications
    • Early Retirement Reduction Buy-Out (ERRBO)
    • New OHS Applications and Appeals
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter July 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • COVID -19 – Impact to Services – Ill Health Retirement Applications
    • Coronavirus Act 2020 – Change to Pension Legislation
    • Pension Workshops & 1-1 Sessions – COVID-19 Implications
    • Procedure for Applying for Commuted Benefits over NRA
    • Cancelled Retirements
    • New Scheme Forms
    • Member Self Service
    • Two months & two metre….How we did it!
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Sep 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Submission of AW6 – at least 3 months in advance
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • Coronavirus Act 2020 Change to Pension Legislation
    • HSC Pension Workshops & One to Ones
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Jan 2021

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Public Sector Pension Scheme Consultation Update – McCloud Case
    • Pension Benefit Payment Schedule
    • Reduction or Forfeiture of Benefits – Reminder
    • HSC Coronavirus Life Assurance Scheme – Reminder
    • Submission of AW6
    • Applications for consideration for Ill Health Retirement
    • Added Years Contracts on new employments (importance of completing NEW or Rejoiner Questionnaire)
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter March 2021

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Public Sector Pension Scheme Consultation Update
    • Retirement Process
    • Submission of AW6 Pension Application Form
    • Coronavirus Act 2020 – Change to Legislation
    • Re-Joiners
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2019/2020

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 1 2019 – 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Payroll Pension Team (PPT)
    • Reduction or Forfeiture of Benefits – Reminder
    • Career Breaks/Authorised Leave
    • Member Estimate Requests
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 2 2019 – 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Scheme Members aged 75
    • Annual Allowance/Lifetime Allowance
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • Career Breaks & Ill Health Retirement
    • Bank/Casual Employments (three month rule)
    • Final Pay Control
    • Retirement Benefit Applications
    • New Forms to be Used
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 3 2019 – 2020

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Pensions Workshops 2020/21
    • Pension Application – Reminder
    • Interface Errors
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2018/2019

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 1 2018 2019

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Lifetime Allowance
    • Pension Application Process
    • Updated Forms
    • OHS Applications
    • Reduced Forfeiture of HSC Pension Benefits
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 2 2018 2019

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • ICATS
    • Career Breaks/Authorised Leave – Retrospective Payments
    • Career Breaks & Annual Leave
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • Pension Application Process
    • Death in Service
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 3 2018 2019

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Final Pay Controls
    • Maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave and adoption leave
    • Pension Liaison Service
    • New Joiner Questionnaire/Re-Joiner Form
    • Special Class Nursing Status (SCN)/Mental Health Officer Status (MHO)
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 4 2018 2019

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Application for consideration for In Service Ill Health Retirement – Reminder
    • Reduction of Forfeiture of Benefits
    • Estimate of Benefits Process
    • Members who retire with multiple employments
    • Payment of Annual Leave at retirement or Leaving the Scheme
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2017/2018

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 1 2017 2018

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Annual Benefit Statements
    • Member Personal Details
    • Serious Ill Health/Death in Service Estimates
    • New/Revised Forms
    • Protection of Pensionable Pay
    • On Call Working (Part Time Employees)
    • Delays in OHS Applications
    • Pension Terminology Guide
    • Pension Regulator – Update on Compliance
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 2 2017 2018

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Calculation of Pensionable Pay
    • In Service Ill Health Retirement Applications
    • Increase in State Pension Age
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • HSC Benefit Application Forms
    • Misinformation relating to the HSC Pension Scheme
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 3 2017 2018

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Auto Enrolment
    • Survivor Benefits for Co-Habiting Couples
    • Partial Retirement
    • Concurrent Employments
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • In Service Ill Health Retirement Applications (Reminder)
    • Ill Health Retirement – Appeals Update
    • Contact Us

    Employers Newsletter Quarter 4 2017 2018

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Final Pay Control
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • In Service – Ill Health Retirement Applications (Second Reminder)
    • Pensionable Pay
    • Member Workshops/One to One Consultations/MSS & Calculators classes
    • Contact Us
  • Employers Newsletters - 2016/2017

    Employer Newsletter Quarter 2 2016 2017

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Death Benefit Nomination Forms
    • Protection of Pay
    • Serious Ill Health/Death in Service Estimates
    • Additional Pension Purchase
    • New Joiner Questionnaire
    • Choice 2
    • Transfer In
    • Career Breaks
    • Annual Leave – Pensionable Service
    • Posters
    • Employer Requests for Guidance or Clarification of Scheme Rules or Regulations
    • Contact Us

    Employer Newsletter Quarter 3 2016 2017

    This Newsletter contains information about:

    • Annual Allowance
    • Final Pay Controls Reminder
    • Annual Benefit Statements
    • Bank/Casual Employment (Three month Rule) Reminder
    • Serious Ill Health/Death in Service Estimates
    • Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO) in the 2015 Scheme Reminder
    • Payment of Initial Survivors Pension
    • Updated Forms
    • Choice 2 Exercise closing date is fast approaching
    • Employer Section of the HSC Pension Scheme Website
    • Contact Us

    Employer Newsletter Quarter 4 2016 2017

    This Newsletter contains information about

    • Transfer of Benefits from other NHS Pension Schemes
    • Concurrent Employments
    • Mental Health Officer Status Applications
    • Survivors Benefits for Unmarried Couples
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)
    • Agreed Voluntary Early Retirement
    • On Call Working
    • Protection of Pensionable Pay (1995/2008 Schemes Only)
    • Change in Application Procedure for Survivors Benefits
    • Employer Procedural Guidance
    • Revised Scheme Forms
    • Contact Us