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GP Newsletters

From this page GPs can access the latest and previously issued GP Newsletters.

  • GP Newsletters 2024 - 2025

    GP Newsletter Q1 – 2024/2025

    This newsletter contains information about:

    • 16 Hour Rule
    • GPs Retiring
    • Partial Retirement
    • Re-joining the HSC Pension Scheme (Post Retirement)
    • Opting Out & In of HSC Pension Scheme Membership
    • Payment on Account (POA)
    • Tiered Contribution Thresholds for Employees for 2024/25
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2023 - 2024

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 – 2023/2024

    This newsletter contains information about:

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2022/23
    • Email Queries
    • Workshops
    • Member Self-Service (MSS) Registration
    • HSC Pension Service Regulations Consultation
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 – 2023/2024

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Scheme Membership
    • Payment On Account (POA)
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2022/23
    • Self-Assessment of Pensionable Earnings 2022/23
    • Annual Benefit Statement 2022 (ABS) & Annual Allowance 2022 (AA) for Principal GPs
    • Email Queries
    • GPs Retiring
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 – 2023/2024

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Allowance (AA) and Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) 2021/22—Principal GPs
    • Annual Allowance (AA) and Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) 2021/22—Assistant GPs
    • GP’s Retiring
    • Opting In and Out of HSC Pension Scheme Membership
    • Payment on Account (POA)
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2022 - 2023

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2022 – 2023

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Scheme Membership
    • Payment on Account (POA)
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit for 2021/22
    • Self Assessments of Pensionable Earnings 2021/22 for Assistant GPs/Locum GPs/OOH GP’s
    • Annual Benefit Statement 21 (ABS) & Annual Allowance 21 (AA) for Principal GP’s
    • GP Locum 10 Week Rule
    • Email Queries
    • GP’s Retiring
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2022 – 2023

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2021/22
    • Registering for Member Self Service (MSS)
    • Self-Assessment
    • Email Queries
    • Workshops
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2022 – 2023

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Payment On Account (POA) 2023/24
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2021/22
    • Self-Assessment of Tiered Contributions
    • Timeline for completion of various pension related processes for Principal GPs
    • GP Individual Responsibility for completion of HSC Pension Service Scheme Forms
    • Timeline for completion of various pension related processes for Salaried GPs/Stand-Alone OOH GPs
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2021 - 2022

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2021 2022

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Your HSC Pension after 1 April 2022
    • Department of Health – Amendment to member contribution rates – delayed
    • Public Service Scheme Members with Fixed or Enhanced Protection
    • Payment on Account (POA) 22/23
    • Lifetime Allowance to 2025-26
    • Annual Allowance (AA) & Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) 2020-21 Principal GPs
    • Annual Allowance (AA) & Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) 2020-21 Assistant GPs
    • GP Locum – “10 week rule” suspension extended to 30/09/2022
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2021 2022

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • The Coronavirus Act & the end of Temporary Suspensions for Retire & Return
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2020-21
    • GP Individual Responsibility for completion of HSC Pension Service Scheme Forms – Administration of Scheme Membership
    • Registering for Member Self-Service (MSS)
    • Gp’s Retiring
    • Self-Assessments
    • Email Queries
    • Department of Health Consultations
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2021 2022

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Update on Government Changes to Public Pension Schemes
    • Administration of Scheme Membership
    • Payment on Account (POA)
    • Employers Pension Contributions – HSCB Funding
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2020/21
    • Self-Assessment of Pensionable Earnings 2020/21 for Assistance GPs/OOH/GPs
    • Annual Benefit Statement 20 (ABS) & Annual Allowance 20 (AA) for Principal GPs
    • Email –
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 2021 2022

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Update on Government Changes to Public Pension Schemes
    • Annual Allowance (AA) & Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) 2019-20 – Principal GPs
    • Member Self Service (MSS)
    • Annual Allowance (AA) & Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) 2019-20 – Assistant GPs
    • GP’s Retiring
    • Life Time Allowance (LTA
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2020 - 2021

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 2020-2021

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • COVID – 19
    • Newsletters
    • GP Locum – Temporary Extension of the ’10 Week Rule’
    • HSCB Funding – POA & HSCB Funding Control Return
    • Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) 18/19 & Annual Allowance (AA) 18/19
    • Annual Statement of Pensionable Profit 2018/19
    • BACS Transactions for Underpaid Contributions
    • BSO Shared Services – Payroll Function & PBR (Pension Band Review)
    • Opting Out & In of HSC Pension Scheme Membership
    • Delivering through the Pandemic
    • Contact US

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2020-2021

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Public Service Pension Scheme Consultation
    • Employer’s Pension Contributions – HSCB Funding
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2019/20
    • Self-Assessment of Pensionable Earnings 2019/20 for Assistant GPs/Locum GPs/OOH GPs
    • Annual Benefit Statement 19 (ABS) & Annual Allowance 19 (AA) for Principal GPs
    • Administration of Scheme Membership
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2020-2021

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Update on McCloud Case
    • HMRC – Fraud/Scam Alerts
    • GP Individual Responsibilty for completion of HSC Pension Service Scheme Forms – Administration of Scheme Membership
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2019/20
    • Email Distribution
    • Locum GP’s working in Covid Centres
    • And Finally
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2020-2021

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Update on Government Changes to Public Pension Schemes
    • Lifetime Allowance from 2021-2022 to 2025/2026
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2019/20
    • Timeline for completion of various pension related processes for Principal GP’s
    • GP Individual Responsibility for completion of HSC Pension Service Scheme Forms
    • Timeline for completion of various pension related processes for Salaried GP’s/Stand-alone OOH GP’s
    • Financial Advisers
    • 2021/22 Preparation
    • 2021 Census
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2019 - 2020

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 2019 2020

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Team
    • Scheme Pays Facility – Important Update
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2017/18
    • Annual Benefit (ABS) / Annual Allowance (AA) Statements
    • Change of Address – Inform HSC Pension Service & your Employer
    • Estimate Requests
    • Schedule of Charges
    • GP Locums
    • Salaried GPs
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2019 2020

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Statement on the McCloud Judgement
    • 17/18 Summary of Process of Work for Principal GPs
    • Member Self Service (MSS)
    • Preparation for Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 18/19
    • Update Third Party Authority
    • GPs Working in Federations
    • Opting Out of HSC Pension Scheme
    • Self-Assessment of Tiered Contributions 18/19
    • GP Locums
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2019 2020

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • GP’s Responsibility to share Earnings information – Principal & Assistant Posts
    • 2018/19 Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • 2017/18 Annual Benefit Statement & Annual Allowance Information
    • Scheme Pays – Estimating & Revising Scheme Pays Election (SPE2)
    • GP’s Working in Federations
    • FPPS – S/A for Salaried GP – Employer Contributions from 18/19 onwards
    • Opting in & out across different employments
    • Life Assurance – the effect of opting out of the scheme
    • SS14 – Start of Pensionable Employment
    • Financial Advice
    • Inclusion of Pension Scheme Registry Numbers & Employer Pension Scheme Reference Number – Auto Enrolment
    • Notification of changes to personal details
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2018 - 2019

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2018 2019

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Practitioner Pensionable Employments
    • Opting Out of the Scheme
    • Annualise Pensionable earnings – 2015 Scheme Membership
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2017/18
    • Self-Assessment 2017/18 for Assistant GPs/Locum GPs
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)/Annual Allowance Statements (AA)
    • ERRBOs
    • HSC Pension Service website
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2018 2019

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Final Pay Controls – Relevant to GPs as HSC Employers
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2017/18
    • Practitioner Employments
    • Opting out of The Scheme
    • Self – Assessment 2017/18 for Assistant Gps/Locum GPs
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)/Annual Allowance Statements (AA)
    • Estimate Requests from Members
    • Request from Financial Advisers
    • Scheme Pays Facility
    • Underpayment of Scheme Contributions/Overpayment of Seniority
    • Payroll Shared Services – In year reviews and changes to contribution tier
    • HSC Pension Service Website
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2018 2019

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Consultation on Regulations – Employer’s Contribution Rate
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2017/18
    • Underpayments of Scheme Contributions and Overpaid Seniority Entitlement
    • Self – Assessment 2018/19 for Assistant GPs/Locum GPs
    • Year End 2018/19 and forthcoming year 2019/20
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)/Annual Allowance Statements (AA)
    • Estimate Requests (from members/financial advisers)
    • Scheme Pays Facility
    • Considering retirement? – What to do next
    • Added Years Contracts
    • Pension Liberation
    • Correspondence Addresses
    • HSC Pension Service website
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2017 - 2018

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 2017-2018

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • GP Section
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2015/16
    • Salaried/Retainee GPs
    • Assistant (Salaried/Retainee/Locum) – Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016/17
    • Contribution Tier for 2015 CARE Membership
    • Seniority
    • GPs Retirement Process
    • Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)
    • Estimated Payment on Account 2017/18 – check if any outstanding
    • HMRC – Annual Allowance & Individual Protection 2016
    • GP Locums
    • SUMDE Monies
    • Joiner Forms
    • Correspondence Details
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2017-2018

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2016/17
    • Salaried/Retainee Gp’s – Change in Process
    • Assistant (Salaried/Retainee/Locum) – Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016/17
    • Contribution Tier for 2015 CARE Membership
    • Seniority
    • GPs Retirement Process
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)
    • HMRC – Annual Allowance & Individual Protection 2016
    • GP Locums
    • SUMDE Monies
    • Joining Forms
    • FAQ’s
    • Correspondence Details
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2017-2018

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2016/17
    • Assistant (Salaried/Retainee/Locum) – Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016/17
    • Seniority
    • GPs Retirement Process
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)
    • GP Locums
    • FAQ’s
    • Contact Us

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2017-2018

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit 2016/17
    • Assistant (Salaried/Retainee) – Information now due
    • Payment on Account 2018/19
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) update
    • Tools/Resources available to you
    • GP Locums
    • 3rd Party Requests for Pension Information
    • FAQs
    • Contact Us
  • GP Newsletters 2016 - 2017

    GP Newsletter Quarter 1 2016 2017

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Amendment to Calculation of Contribution Tier
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • New Family Practitioner Payment System (FPPS)
    • Payment on Account Forms
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Correspondence Details
    • Salaried/Retainee GP’s & Assistant Practitioner’s
    • GP Locums
    • HMRC Changes
    • Annual Allowance

    GP Newsletter Quarter 2 2016 2017

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Contribution Tier for 2015 CARE membership
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • Assistant Medical Practitioners—Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016-17
    • Seniority
    • New Family Practitioner Payment System (FPPS)
    • Payment on Account Forms
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Correspondence Details
    • Salaried/Retainee GP’s & Assistant Practitioner’s
    • GP Locums
    • HMRC Changes—LTA Online Service
    • Annual Allowance
    • Change of Address for submission of scheme forms
    • Encrypted HSC Emails
    • Schedule of Charges

    GP Newsletter Quarter 3 2016 2017

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • HSC Website
    • Choice 2
    • Contribution Tier for 2015 CARE Membership
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • Seniority
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Assistant Medical Practitioners – Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016-17
    • Family Practitioner Payment System (FPPS)/POA
    • Salaried/Retainee GP’s & Assistant Practitioner’s
    • GP Locums
    • Annual Allowance
    • HMRC Changes – LTA Online Service
    • Correspondence Details
    • Encrypted HSC Emails
    • Schedule of Charges

    GP Newsletter Quarter 4 2016 2017

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Contribution Tier for 2015 CARE Membership
    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)
    • Seniority
    • Payment of Arrears
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Salaried/Retainee GP’s Change in Process
    • Assistant Medical Practitioners – Self Assessment of Tiered Contributions 2016-17
    • Estimated Payment on Account 2017/18
    • HMRC Individual Protection
    • GP Locums
    •  Annual Allowance
    • Correspondence Details
    • Encrypted HSC Emails
    • Schedule of Charges
  • GP Newsletters 2015 - 2016

    GP Newsletter Spring 2015 2016

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • 2013/14 Non-Submission of Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • Revised Payment on Account Forms
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Contact Details/Client List
    • Salaried/Retainees GP’s & Assistant Practitioner’s
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Locums
    • New GP Payment System
    • Practice Managers Workshops
    • HMRC Changes

    GP Newsletter Autumn 2015 2016

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • New FPPS GP Payment System
    • Revising Payment on Account Forms
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Contact Details/Client List
    • Salaried/Retainees GP’s & Assistant Practitioner’s
    • Payment of Arrears
    • SUMDE Monies
    • Locums
    • Practice Mangers Workshops
    • HMRC Changes
  • GP Newsletters 2014 - 2015

    GP Newsletter Winter 2014 – 2015

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • 2012/13 Non-Submission of Annual Certificate of pensionable profit
    • Revised Payment on Account forms
    • GP’s Who Retire Mid-Year
    • Contact Details/Client List
    • Salaried/Retainees GP’s & Assistant Practioner’s
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Locums
    • New GP Payment System
    • Practice Managers Workshops
    • HMRC Changes

    GP Newsletter Summer 2014 -2015

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • 2014-15 Payment on Account
    • Salaried/Retainee GP’s
    • Payment of Arrears
    • Pension Estimate Requests
    • Practice Managers Workshop
    • HMRC Changes
  • GP Newsletters 2013 - 2014

    GP Newsletter March 2013 2014

    This newsletter contains information about:

    • Employee Contribution Tier Rate 2013/14
    • Accountant’s Mailing List
    • 09/10 ,10/11 & 11/12 Annual Certificates
    • Payment on Account 2013/14
    • Salaried/Retainee GPs & Assistant Practitioners
    • 2011/12 Limited Company Certificate
    • 2013/14 Locum A & B Forms
    • Change of Address

    GP Newsletter September 2013 2014

    This newsletter contains information about:

    • HMRC Changes to LTA limit
    • HMRC Changes to Annual Allowance
    • Accountant’s Mailing List
    • 09/10 ,10/11 & 11/12 Annual Certificates

    GP Newsletter December 2013 2014

    This newsletter contains information about :

    • 2012/13 Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profit
    • Salaried GP Forms
    • 2014/15 Payment on Account Forms
    • 2014/15 Tiered Contribution Rates
    • 2011/12 Annual Certificates of Pensionable Profit
    • GP’s who retire mid year
    • SMS Messaging Service for Accountants/GPs/Practice Managers
    • Contact Details/Client List
    • HMRC Changes
  • GP Newsletters 2012 - 2013

    GP Newsletter December 2012 – 2013

    This newsletter contains information about:

    •  Accountant Mailing List
    • 09/10 & 10/11 Annual Certificates
    • 11/12 Annual Certificates
    • Assistant Practitioner Self- Assessment Form
    • Salaried GP Process
    • Employee Contribution Tier Rate